Grant: A State-of-the-Art Operating Position for the Museum of Information Explosion

Date: September 2022
Amount: $16,495

In the Spring of 2023, the Museum of Information Explosion will open its doors in Huntsville, Alabama. This new facility is the brainchild of Marc Bendickson, founder & retired CEO of Dynetics Corporation, and will expose visitors to the evolution of information technology from beginnings to the sophistication of present-day digital signal processing. The museum will host Marc’s extensive collection of antique telephone, telegraph, phonograph, radio & television equipment and ephemera, as well as highlight the work of inventors, developers, and users of information technology. Included in the museum is a prominently displayed operational amateur radio station that will be capable of demonstrations of historic and classic Ham Radio communications methods.

The grant from ARDC will provide for the procurement, installation, and operation of current state-of-the-art equipment to supplement the existing historic and classic analog gear. This juxtaposition of old and new will illustrate the accelerating evolution of Ham Radio technology and offer the public a graphic alternative to the notion that Ham Radio is a static and dying activity. The up-to-date equipment will expose local operators to evolving techniques and modes and will promote education and training of new operators. The project will be supported by members of local amateur radio clubs, including the Radio Club of the Museum of Information Explosion, who will install and operate the equipment and serve as docents for the station.

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