Grant: Actual EMP Testing of Various Amateur Radios

Date: February 2023
Amount: $7,935

The Cascade Amateur Radio Society (CARS) serves radio amateurs in NW Oregon and SW Washington. They operate nine repeaters, conduct license preparation classes and hold license exams. They are committed to learning and to advancing the state of the art of amateur radio. Their particular focus is on emergency communications and high-speed digital communications.

This grant will fund the EMP testing of a variety of handheld and mobile radios, including:

  • Six BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band HTs
  • Six Yaesu FT-70DR or FT-60R HTs
  • Five Yaesu FTM-6000R mobile radios
  • One Yaesu FT-891 HF mobile radio

The results will be released to the amateur radio community and the public via the club’s website, and the club plans to submit an article to QST magazine.