Grant: South Eugene High School (SEHS) Radio Club Station & Club Development Project

Date: March 2023
Amount: $16,997

South Eugene High School (SEHS) is a public high school in Eugene, Oregon with approximately 1500 students from grades 9-12. SEHS is home to a 12-member radio club that aims to give students the opportunity to earn their amateur radio license, participate in the hobby of amateur radio, and to provide volunteer communications services throughout their community. The SEHS Radio Club is currently enduring both low membership and lack of an equipped station, thus hindering their progress.

This grant will provide funding to allow the SEHS Radio Club to build a club station, which will provide the opportunity for the students to not only get on the air with their peers, but to also build antennas, learn CW, and participate in contesting and/or net operation. Additionally, this grant will employ a licensing assistance fund for students 18 years and over, minimizing the financial barrier for students that are interested in obtaining their first amateur radio license that are ineligible for the ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program.

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