Rosy Visits ARRL HQ!
Last week ARDC Executive Director, Rosy Schecter, KJ7RYV, visited ARRL HQ, and even got on the air at W1AW! Many thanks to Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, and Bob Interbitzen, NQ1R, for their warm hospitality, and to Ed Wilson, N2XDD, for schlepping Rosy from NYC to Newington.
We’re looking forward to the next visit and to seeing the ARRL crew at upcoming hamfests and conferences. We’re also grateful for the ARRL’s work in providing scholarships and club grants.
Here are some photos from our visit:

Rosy and M17’s Ed Wilson chatting with Mike Walters, W8ZY, ARRL Field Service Manager. Part of Mike’s responsibilities is overseeing the ARDC-funded ARRL Club Grant program.

Bob, NQ1R, helped Rosy look up her grandpa in a 1990s-era CallBook, and she found him! Henry G. Moseley, KA1RRT (SK), gave Rosy his old radio and Morse Code key and got her interested in ham radio.

Josh Johnston, Director of Emergency Management, KE5MHV, briefed Rosy and Ed on the ARRL Ham Aid Program. This program loans amateur radio equipment to hams during times of disaster when on-site equipment has been damaged or compromised in a way that makes it inoperable.

Ed and Rosy hanging out with the ARRL publication team: Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY, Director Publications and Editorial Department Director (left) and Dana Kasowitz, KC1SEB, Managing Editor (right).
All told, it was a great day, and we’re looking very forward to the next visit.
Much gratitude also to Bob Inderbitzen NQ1R from ARRL for these lovely photos.