Grant: Attracting More Youth, SCOUTS, and Home School Communities to Amateur Radio

Date: April 2024
Amount: $39,850

New England Sci-Tech (NEST) was founded in 2018 by K-12 teacher Bob Phinney, who wanted to create a way to give a more hands-on science education to kids as a way to grow more interest and enthusiasm for STEM. Through tutoring, summer, and weekend programs, NEST is able to provide access to a STEM enriched education to kids of all ages.

NEST plans to incorporate amateur radio into its curriculum to grow interest in the hobby among young people and also provide a path to lead young people to future education and careers in computer technology, robotics, satellites, and other technologies that rely on wireless communications. Parts of this curriculum includes providing a 12-month educational program to supplement the ISS astronaut contact, with courses and workshops in STEM subjects including amateur radio, rocketry, electronics, and astronomy.

This educational program is provided for free to all students in grades 4 through 12 in the six New England states to support the aforementioned ISS event, presenting the opportunity to recruit new amateur radio operators and providing an outstanding venue for STEM learning and outreach programs. Courses and workshops are offered both in person in Natick, MA and remotely via Zoom.

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