Grant: Tri-County Repeater Upgrades

Date: January 2024
Amount: $59,781

The East Tennessee Repeater Association (ETRA) was formed not only to support amateur radio communications through eastern Tennessee but also as a way of supporting emergency communication during times of extreme weather or natural disasters. After a wildfire in March of 2022, a need arose to repair and replace repeater towers along Chilhowee Mountain that were damaged.

ARDC is providing funding to the ETRA to upgrade four repeater towers: the Loudon County site; the Blount County site; the Anderson County site; and the Chilhowee Mountain site. The ETRA’s plan is to update where they can and replace what they must, as some of these towers are older and not as compatible with current technology. Another goal of the ETRA is to provide backup power sources to these towers so the towers can continue to perform during times of emergency.

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