What We’ve Been Up To at ARDC
ARDC has been on the move in 2023, participating in a variety of events. We love getting the word out about ARDC and connecting with both our grantees and 44Net users, as they are what make everything we do worthwhile. Here are some highlights of what we’ve been up to so far this year!
Orlando HamCation 2023
ARDC started out the year at Orlando HamCation 2023, February 10-12. Rosy Schechter (KJ7RYV), John Hays (K7VE), and Jon Kemper (KA6NVY) got to visit the Sunshine State and meet hams from all over the country. One of our favorite parts of the trip was being introduced to Steve Goodgame (K5ATA), the Education Director at ARRL (not shown).
Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2023
Ham Radio Friedrichshafen, one of the largest amateur radio conventions in Europe, was held June 23-25 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Rosy, John Hays, Jon Kemper, Phil Karn (KA9Q), and Ria Jairam (N2RJ) attended and were warmly welcomed by the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC e.V.). Particular thanks go to Jann Traschewski (DG8NGN), organizer of HAMNET, as well as DARC Chair Christian Entsfellner (DL3MBG), who showed us incredible hospitality throughout our trip.
This event was particularly fun, as we got to be near a number of our grantees. One such grantee was M17, which gave Ria the perfect opportunity to interview their lead developer, Wojciech Kaczmarski (SP5WWP). In the video, he tells us how he got started in ham radio, why he created M17, and how other amateur radio operators can get started with it.
The ARDC booth neighbored HAMNET, a high-speed intranet based in Germany and nearby countries. Currently, HAMNET is the largest user of 44Net, where ~1200 nodes are serving up to 3500 users. To date, ARDC has granted more than $200,000 in support of HAMNET projects, including the development and deployment of WRAN base stations and CPEs in Austria and expansions and upgrades to HAMNET.

Rosy (KJ7RYV) with Jann Traschewski (DG8NGN) on a floor map of HAMNET, currently the largest network utilizing 44Net
Following the event, a few of us traveled to Munich for a tour of Rohde & Schwarz, where Jann works (along with another one of our friendly guides, Michael Weber (DL1XMW)). There, we got to see several of the HAMNET antennas and visit their amateur radio club station (DL0RUS). Ria worked the QO-100 satellite and showed Rosy the ropes! We love the chance to continue developing our own skills in the science and art of radio.
Hamvention 2023
Hamvention, one of the largest amateur radio conventions in the United States, was held May 19-21 in Dayton, OH. Rosy, Dan (KB6NU), John Hays, Jon Kemper, Phil, and Ria were all in attendance. We especially enjoyed meeting so many of our ARRL scholarship recipients.

The Lea family of Shack-in-a-Box (L to R): Hope (ND2L), Grace (KE3G), and Faith Hannah (KD3Z) with their mother Michelle (N8ZQZ)

Rosy (KJ7RYV) with Carlos Felix Ortiz (KD9OLN), who routinely makes QSOs while skydiving. Rosy and Ria (N2RJ) both got to make QSOs during one of Carlos’ dives. Hooray!
In addition to the events above, we also attended:
SEA-PAC Ham Convention 2023
SEA-PAC Ham Convention 2023, the largest amateur radio convention in the Northwestern United States, was June 2-4 in Seaside, OR, attended this year by Rosy and John Hays, both who are semi-local.
NANOG-87 & 88
North American Operators’ Groups (NANOG)-87 was February 13-15 in Atlanta, GA, and NANOG-88 was June 12 – 14, 2023 in Seattle, WA. John Hays and Jon Kemper attended NANOG-87, and Jon and Rosy attended NANOG-88. Many of the topics presented – such as DNS, security, and automation – are relevant to the planned expansion of the 44Net community. NANOG is a great organization that allows for us to meet with other network operators and learn about how new technologies are being architected: we are glad to get to know this crew!
Keep an eye on the monthly ARDC newsletters to see where we’ll be heading next!
Hope to see you IRL. 73!